

April 2021

What does it look like when you’re ON?


That feeling when you have everything together and organized… How does this impact your self care, in particular, your nutrition and exercise patterns? When you feel ON, you may find it effortless to get to the gym regularly, grocery shop for healthy foods, do some meal prep and eat those healthy foods on a [...]

What does it look like when you’re ON?2021-04-14T18:05:33+00:00

March 2021

Stronger, Healthier….Prepared for Life


Life is full of unexpected challenges. Imagine facing down work stress, illness, or a big life change feeling unhealthy and rundown. Now picture handling those challenges feeling strong, healthy, full of energy, and well-rested. Our gym isn’t just about looking good and building muscle. We’re preparing you for life. Stronger Who says being stronger isn't [...]

Stronger, Healthier….Prepared for Life2021-03-22T19:32:21+00:00

August 2020

I want to eat EVERYTHING


During these uncertain times, most of us are working from home and out of our normal routines increasing our boredom and stress levels. Do you find yourself stopping at the pantry every time you walk through the kitchen? Maybe after your long day with the kids you sit down and relax with a little mindless [...]

I want to eat EVERYTHING2020-08-09T20:27:01+00:00

July 2020

Body Positivity…or Neutrality?


The body positivity movement originated in the 1960s. The concept -- that you should feel good about yourself and love your body no matter your size -- has become an Instagram-friendly buzzword in recent years. Body positivity is a wonderful thing, but many people run into trouble when they focus so much on their appearance, [...]

Body Positivity…or Neutrality?2020-07-07T18:15:45+00:00

June 2020

Mom Knows Best


Growing up, there were many things that our Moms would say that we as kids would just roll our eyes at. Turns out, many of the things our Moms would say are actually things that have been proven to improve your health and well-being. Let's explore some of the top 3 Mom sayings: 1. “You [...]

Mom Knows Best2020-06-26T16:16:28+00:00

March 2020

Sleep Better


You know sleep is important but how do you improve the quality of your sleep? Improved sleep quality will make a huge difference in your life. Just like any other habits, building healthy sleep habits can take time.  Over the next week keep the following sleep practices in mind on a daily basis. Stick to a sleep [...]

Sleep Better2020-04-06T14:12:31+00:00

Sleep Is Important


One of the most important components to your Health is a good night’s sleep. It is vital. In fact, it’s just as important as any other healthy habit, such as exercise and nutrition. We live in a world that interferes with quality sleep patterns in multiple ways. We tend to sleep less than our grandparents did in the [...]

Sleep Is Important2020-04-06T14:24:48+00:00

February 2020

Your Journey


It doesn't matter if you are new to the Kingwood area or have been following us for years on social media. We want to give you a better idea of how your journey will start and the incredible places it can take you.  First things first. Let's get to know each other a little better. [...]

Your Journey2020-03-28T17:59:04+00:00
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