
Free “No Sweat” Consultation

Schedule your free introductory “No sweat” consultation and meet with a coach for 15-20 minutes.


Real world results

“I joined the 1836 family almost five years ago.  Three other girlfriends joined with me.  A friend said she wanted to try it and asked me if I was be interested.  At the time, I had never heard of CrossFit.   I had no idea what to expect.  I remember loving it after the first couple of weeks.  I lost 15 pounds and lots of fat!

I have lots of proud moments, but my favorite one was winning FIRST PLACE in my first Crossfit competition.  It was a partner competition but still a proud moment for me!

My best / funniest 1836 story….I have so many wonderful memories and stories!!  However better than any story are the FRIENDS that I have made at 1836!!  MY BEST MEMORIES have been made OUTSIDE of the gym!!  Weekend at the lake with girlfriends, weddings, baby showers, bible studies, bachelor parties, CrossFit competitions, battle buddy fund raisers, countless dinners, lunches and conversations and so many memories that would have never happened had I never walked in the door of 1836!



Dr. Lanette Sikes DDS

“My CrossFit 1836 journey began in October of 2015. A friend of mine had been a member for about 3 years and raved about it. I admit, it took me an entire YEAR to work up the courage to even walk into the building. She brought me in on an “open gym” Saturday just to see what everything looked like. Every person in there was super friendly. Introduced themselves, asked if I was joining etc. I simply said “We will see”.

We did a few back squats with an empty bar and she [the coach] told me to try a box jump. My response: “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” .. after a few moments of pressure, I did it! I went home that morning and pondered. The next Monday I called Mat Koym and scheduled a Thursday Intro class. OH MY! By then end of the hour, I was sweaty and out of breath just being taught the basic forms!! I was hooked.

Everyone is so supportive. It really is a CrossFit FAMILY! I am still meeting new people and acquiring new friendships. I have done things that I NEVER thought I would be able to do; like a 20’ box jump, running (because I despise it) and squatting 150#! I’m pretty proud of that and it’s only getting better.

I’d have to say that Death Week 2015 was memorable for me and pushed my limits. It was my first Death Week and it was in the first month I joined. Wearing a bumble bee costume while doing thrusters…that was a sight I’m sure.

Needless to say: I HAVE DRANK THE KOOL-AID.”

Brittany Wagner

“I am a first responder for the Houston Police Dept. I work full time on a Tactical Unit and the Houston Swat team. I spent a lot of time in Golds Gym and our city gym lifting free weights. One day I became frustrated with the free weights and the normal routine of daily lifting because I felt like I was not attacking my body the way I should be. I knew if I wanted to take it to the next level I needed to do something different. Scrolling through the internet one day I came across Crossfit and fell in love. I was blown away by the different workouts and competitiveness of all the athletes, and I knew this was the change I needed. I started putting WOD’s together at our city gym but knew that I still needed the coaching.

Six months later I was told about Crossfit 1836 and spoke with Coach Mat Koym who got me lined up and started. I’ve been at Crossfit 1836 for over two years now and have made several friends along the way. Crossfit 1836 has helped me take my fitness beyond the next level and it continues to grow with each WOD and each lift that I make. I’m very blessed to be there and I’m grateful for all the friends and coaching that I have received.  

I have many proud moments but if I had to pick one it would be taking my front squat max from 340 pounds to 395 pounds. Trust me when I tell you when it comes to our lifting percentages, it sucks to have a one rep max this high up!

Another was completing “Murph” [a common Hero WOD done on Memorial Day] with a broken toe!”

Officer Rob Gonzalez

“I want to say it’s going on 4 years that I’ve been at 1836. I wanted to be challenged, pushed, and see results. This just wasn’t happening at Lifetime. I visited several Boxes in the area but, decided on 1836 because I felt welcomed and comfortable right off the bat. After my visit, I told my husband, “This is my Box.”

I can’t say that I have ONE particular “proud moment” at the box. I was never an athlete growing up or the least bit athletic. Now, as a woman in my 40’s I’m able to do things I never imagined thanks to 1836. Its empowering.

My funny story at 1836 was, well, back when it happened it wasn’t funny but, now I can look back and laugh about it. One morning our warm-up was burpees. So, I go down to do my first burpee and get stung in my hand by a wasp! Really? As if doing burpees wasn’t bad enough! :)”



Toni Marquez

“From a high school athlete, to a college athlete (eat ’em up kats!), to a 30+ year old school teacher who worked out at the local gym, I had always loved being active.  In 2007 I ruptured 3 discs in my lower back.  This sucked.  I was told I would never lift weights or run again.  I was destined to swim and use the elliptical forever.  So, I did…..for many years, but I was still in constant pain. I started trying some things on my own – lifting weights here and there & doing some core work. I noticed that as I did these things, my back pain was less intense. Could I be onto something? About this same time, a friend at work convinced me to try a class at CrossFit 1836.  So, I did. At 5am (ugh) and I was hooked.  I loved every minute of it!  The encouragement from the coaches to better yourself, the relationships you build within the gym and the variety in workouts from day to day definitely spoke my “love language”!

I hear it so often, “Should you really be doing CrossFit with your back injury?”  For me, CrossFit is the reason I am not in pain everyday of my life.  Through the programmed workouts and lifting, my core stabilization muscles are now strong enough to support my body and take pressure off of my discs.  Back injuries are debilitating, they truly affect your quality of life.  Finding CrossFit 1836 was life-changing for me.  

My proudest moment so far:   I am absolutely, positively most proud of the changes I have made in my eating habits and my diet.  (I am also very proud of my first bar muscle up too).

My best CF1836 story is the of the greatest CrossFit 1836 member ever, Mozelle Matilda….. if you want to hear these stories, come find me!”

Robin Pullen

“I had been doing various workouts for years-Bootcamp, Tabata, Body Pump, plus running and working out on my own, but after 6 months to a year, I always got bored and never really saw results. I was browsing through Facebook one day and I saw something about a CrossFit  8-week program that was looking for women who wanted to see results, so I signed up and joined the program. I immediately enjoyed the workouts and found them challenging, so when the program was over, I signed up for monthly membership. I am proud to say I am the only one from that program that is still at CrossFit 1836.

It has now been about 18 months and I’m not bored, I see improvements and I’ve made a lot of good

friends. The best part about Crossfit is the camaraderie. I pass about 4 boxes on my way to 1836, but I

wouldn’t want to change, because of the people and the facility. My proudest moment was the first time I completed a RX workout!

One of the funnier stories I remembers was when I was trying to get shirts for my CrossFit Open Team (During our In House Team Intramural Open) and I couldn’t figure out who this “Kristen” was and why she wanted a shirt, since there was no Kristen on the team. I finally figured out it was “G”. Always learning something new!”


Lori McDowell

“The box is amazing and the people are even better.  The coaches and athletes are all fun and outgoing and are just great people to workout with.  Nobody will force you out of your comfort zone, but everyone will help push you to go beyond your own personal goals.  CrossFit 1836 is a great place to be regardless of your skill level.  I wouldn’t want to work out anywhere else.”






Matt Dunn

CF 1836 BLOG

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Free “No Sweat” Consultation

Schedule your free introductory “No sweat” consultation and meet with a coach for 15-20 minutes.


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